
Karen Higgins
Faithful and Fickle Phlox
Greetings friends! I know you're can anything be fickle and also faithful? The faithful part is easy to explain. . Phlox...

Karen Higgins
Considering the Lilies
A greater contrast to the gardens I had been enjoying I couldn't imagine.

Karen Higgins
Winter Gardens
Now that the holidays are behind us with all their noise and glitter and magic, it feels as though winter is really here. The quiet...

Pocketful of Posey
Two and a Half Gardening Hacks
I thought to offer you a few gardening tips that I've learned over the years. I'm not sure they are anything amazing, but they've...

Pocketful of Posey
Fall Gathering
A new season, a new reason for a get-together. Another reason to pull out my brown transfer-ware. I've collected a few pieces, not enough...

Pocketful of Posey
A Variety of Vegetables
Lest you think I care only for flowers, I decided it was high time to show off some vegetables. Some of these are from my garden, and...

Pocketful of Posey
Tea With a Hydrangea
I had tea with a hydrangea today, just her and I, cozy as could be. We sat and admired the blue and white teacups for a while, along with...

Pocketful of Posey
Bouquet of the Month
Vegetables mixed with flowers add texture and surprise in this bouquet. Suitably, it is photographed in front of the kitchen garden. A...

Pocketful of Posey
A Moment to Smell the Roses
It can't all be weeding and watering, fertilizing and pruning, otherwise, I rather think there wouldn't be any gardens. So take a stroll...

Pocketful of Posey
Fabulous Phlox
A sure winner in the summer garden, phlox is my go-to, especially for beginning gardeners. The rewards of this perennial are as numerous...

Pocketful of Posey
Summer in a Jar
Greetings from the middle, the betwixt and between of spring and fall, the center of summer gardening. It's a busy time, is it not?...

Pocketful of Posey
A TP Holder, a Grocery Store Display and a Headboard
What do they all have in common? They're all in my garden, of course! Here is the headboard, the newest in my collection. I made it...

Pocketful of Posey
Thorns and Thistles
There is a corner of my property that has been neglected, ignored, let go. There were some rhubarb starts there and some currant bushes...

Pocketful of Posey
A Plethora of Peonies
This is the week, the week of the peonies. You can find them mostly in the older neighborhoods, as one of their best features is their...

Pocketful of Posey
Raindrops on Roses
I find it easy to ignore the garden when it's raining. Truth be told, I might even breathe a sigh of relief. No dragging of hoses or...

Pocketful of Posey
Lilac Love
Is it just me, or have the lilacs this year been tremendous? I don't remember them ever filling the air with this much fragrance....

Pocketful of Posey
Spring Flower Combinations, a May Day Bouquet
In honor of May Day, it seems only fitting to share with you my favorite spring pairings. My garden beds are looking rather like a big...

Pocketful of Posey
English Daisies, Spring's Wildflower
Once again, my garden is bested by nature. Try as I might, my little patch of soil will never have the random wildness of a field dotted...

Pocketful of Posey
Gardening Tips for Beginners
This could also be entitled, Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started my English Garden. Thing Number One: Mulch I've been ignoring this...

Pocketful of Posey
The Garden is Blooming Again
Isn't it wonderful to see color again outside? Yes, the sky is still grey, and most of the trees are still bare. But there's yellow and...