A mighty wind.
Pounding rain and hail,
shoving creation around
as if it were nothing.
An ancient tree falls
it's roots exposed for all to see.

It stood the test of time,
towering above the forest
for decades.
Surviving other storms
and the will of men
with roots as strong and thick
as the branches above.

And yet it falls.
Why this storm?
Was there more involved than meets the eye?
Something under the surface,
hidden, secret,

Were the roots decaying
as a wet land expanded?
Was there a worm
feasting on the tree's life?
Perhaps a creeping vine,
it's own roots stealing strength.
Or a rushing of waters,
carrying away its foundation.

And I wonder,
are my roots in danger of the decay
of tradition and lip service
rather than true devotion?
Is there a parasite clinging to me,
eating away my moments and days?
Has something crept into my life,
it's roots tangled with mine,
stealing my heart?
Is there anything
carrying away my foundation?

It's sobering to think,
I too could fall,
if it weren't for my Savior's tender care
and guard,
his promises to hold onto me.
May my soul feed on him alone,
my strength be found in him.
May he be my
sole foundation,
sheltering me in the storms
of life.