A wise woman once said something to me,
just one sentence,
and cliché though it may be,
it stopped me in my tracks.
Those simple words made me realize
the road of discontent
had been my journey
for far too long.

Though the ground beneath
my plodding feet
was full of life and growth,
I couldn't see it
for wishing for something different.

Stuck in my dreams
trying to force them to come true.
Blinders on my eyes
to a different way,
a new perspective.
To good plans laid
out for me
exactly where I was.

"Bloom where you're planted,"
was all she said,
with a quirk in her eyebrow
and wisdom
in her eyes.

And I wondered,
what had I missed
from only seeing my dreams,
and not opening my eyes to his?
For wishing for something
rather than the
beautiful journey I was on?

And so I stopped
and looked around me.
Smelled the fresh air,
listened to the crickets and birds.
I looked at the dusty road,
and saw wildflowers
that bloomed beneath my feet.
Blossoms that I had
stepped upon
without even knowing
they were there.

Blooms that grew
and flourished
in dusty dirt made just for them.
They didn't long
for rich soil
or beautiful pots.
They just did
what they were made to do.

If flowers could bloom and crickets could sing,
couldn't I?
Could I work
and bless
and bloom
with eternity in mind
rather than my plans for here and now?
Grateful for the day ahead of me,
trusting for the future?

And when life
is good and dreams are fulfilled,
when the soil is rich and it's easy to bloom,
how easy it is for me to turn
may my roots delve deep
into him
and his good purposes,
blooming exactly where I'm planted.