
Karen Higgins
What Remains?
Slanted sunbeams dance on falling leaves as they slowly pirrouette and join others on the ground.

Karen Higgins
Twisty Trails
Twisty Trails
A pathway beckons,
inviting me to enter
a world quieted by moss and trees.

Karen Higgins
Flowers of the Field
A quick walk to clear my head, that's really all I need. But a field beckons and wildflowers call. I am drawn to them like I'm drawn to...

Karen Higgins
Swaddling Clothes
Barren branches, arms raised high. Standing tall, proud, unashamed. The mystery of interwoven limbs is slowly revealed, exposed to eyes...

Karen Higgins
When Seasons Collide
Sometimes, seasons flow into one another effortlessly, graciously, making way for a new phase of life. But sometimes seasons collide, one...

Karen Higgins
Like Flowers Before Thee
Sun-warmed petals unfurl one by one, leaving behind the hardness of winter, the uncertainty of spring. Quiet, yet joyful in their...

Karen Higgins
New Creation
Newborn leaves shouting a flamboyant green unfurl from bare branches. Spring! it all cries, jubilant to be alive. The rhythm of the...

Karen Higgins
At times harsh realities blow on my door, grief and disappointment rain down in icy pellets, clouds cover my soul, dull and dreary. An...

Karen Higgins
Closed Doors
Surrender is all around me as leaves let go, swirl in the wind and fall to the ground. Their brilliant colors turn drab, and soon they...

Karen Higgins
One More Bloom
Summer has grown tired. Weary of holding its head up, it droops and withers, turning brown and insignificant. I feel the same weariness...

Karen Higgins
"Bloom Where You're Planted," she said.
A wise woman once said something to me, just one sentence, and cliché though it may be, it stopped me in my tracks. Those simple words...

Karen Higgins
Considering the Lilies
The aftermath of goals met and dreams realized. A new home in a new city. Jubilation mixed with exhaustion. Bitter mingled with sweet....

Karen Higgins
Turning a New Leaf
"Out with the old, in with the new." Why does that saying set my teeth on edge? Is it just me? Maybe it's because I like the old. Because...

Karen Higgins
Teetering on the Edge
The tiptoe into spring has begun. Yes, the trees are still bare, the rains drizzle on and cold winds seep into my bones. Yet even so if I...

Karen Higgins
A mighty wind. Pounding rain and hail, shoving creation around as if it were nothing. An ancient tree falls it's roots exposed for all to...

Karen Higgins
Winter's Wait
The earth is still and silent in the hush of winter. Cocooned in a blanket of frost, fog and certainty, it rests and waits, knowing the...

Karen Higgins
Clear as Mud
The rains have begun, and with the rain comes mud. Sticking to shoes, tracked into the house. Yes, I've put my garden to bed for the...

Karen Higgins
Creepy Things
It started out as beautiful... A sprig of ivy, a secret dream, a wishful yearning. An opening window, seeming as of no consequence....

Karen Higgins
Gone to Seed
All washed up. Past its prime. Burned out. Gone to seed. I wander in my garden trying to avoid fat spiders in the center of iridescent...

Karen Higgins
One Day
One day a rock dropped into my path, replacing sunshine, laughter and the scent of ripening fruit with disbelief, horror and darkness. I...