Sometimes, seasons flow into one another
effortlessly, graciously,
making way for a new phase
of life.
But sometimes
seasons collide,
one season unprepared,
holding on,
while another blasts through,
taking over.
Icy fall leaves cling to branches,
frozen in place.
Blooms are covered with frost,
still-lives of summer.
Limbs overloaded with
snow-covered leaves
droop to the ground
and are severed.
And I wonder,
do I clutch on to things
too long?
Stubbornly holding fast
with icy fingers,
to how I think things should go-
even to the point
of destruction?
Bitter winds blow through me.
Dreams freeze and shatter.
I clench a snow-white flag, holding it up to the sky.
Disheartened. Disappointed.
as snow drifts grow
and rivers ice over,
the world outside glitters with promise.
Quietness and rest
steal inside my soul,
and life becomes more clear.
Things are exactly as they are supposed to be.
For I know The One
who holds the seasons in His hands,
is wise and kind and good.
And even when I don't understand,
He only, ever
does all things well.
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