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Faithful and Fickle Phlox

Karen Higgins

Greetings friends!

I know you're can anything be fickle and also faithful?

The faithful part is easy to explain.


Phlox is happy to bloom from July through mid-September

Tall, yet not inclined to fall over.

Intensely fragrant, bright, happy and cheerful,

summer after summer.

My one and only complaint about this flower is it's inclination to take over.

But I'm happy to give it (mostly) free reign.

Now for the fickle part....

I received a clump of phlox from my sister. Bright, bold, happy pink!

A couple of years later, I noticed a

lilac colored phlox

in a different part of the garden that I didn't plant.


But yes, please!

Another couple of years pass,

and up pops a glorious, pure white phlox!

And I do mean glorious!

I was, and am still, thrilled!

And that brings us to this year.

Yes, you guessed it!

A sweet baby pink phlox appeared,

seemingly out of nowhere!

So, as you can see,

my phlox hasn't decided what she wants to be when she's all grown up.

But fickle really isn't so bad!

I wonder what's next...?

And just maybe, I should try to be a bit more like phlox.

Steady, dependable, sturdy and faithful.

And of course, smelling good

is always a plus!

But also, open to change.

Flexible, joyful, whimsical,

full of surprises

and just a tiny bit fickle.

What do you think?

Yours faithfully (and fickley),


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Aug 02, 2024

What a sweet problem to have! I have so many deer and rabbits in my yard, growing anything without putting up a 12-foot fence is challenging. Working on native plants, instead. Meanwhile, I love all the photos of your flowers!


Aug 01, 2024

Makes me want to try phlox.

Thanks ☺️

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